Friday, February 8, 2008

try, try again

i'm pretty sure i'm the only knitter on the planet who hasn't finished at least one koolhaas hat. i've seen some really lovely ones out there. mine, on the other hand, is looking sad and neglected. i've been working mainly on the wraps, when i've had time to knit at all, but today i picked up the koolhaas again. i figured, if we're moving to texas, then i need to finish it before this winter is up or there will be no need for it anyway. here it is, in all its tiny glory. you should see the giant bag of crimpy yarn that serves as a constant reminder that i've already knit this hat... twice.

and i spent a good long time on the phone with sister the other night. mainly gossiping and chatting, but there was some good wedding discussion. we've made some progress with decoration ideas, and she approved both the tissue paper pompoms for the reception and the fabric roses for bouquets. and we discussed ribbon and gossamer and twigs and all manner of other crafty notions. so i did a test pompom and it seemed to work nicely, and i ordered some tissue paper in appropriately fall colors. and tomorrow i am going to call the gossamer place and see what they have. this weekend i may go to michael's and look at the fake flowers to see if i can put together something i like, or if i really should go with the fabric roses. i do feel better though... i feel like the decorations are finally coming together into some sort of cohesive thing.

here is the pompom test run. they are really simple to make, and i think if i make them small and in dark colors they will look more like just decorations and less like giant spring-y flowers.

this was done in an ivory tissue paper i got from cvs for the sole purpose of testing these out. i ordered more ivory, dark brown, a dark golden-yellow, and a dark orange. they should hopefully come this weekend.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

that is one nice pom pom!